Our team relies on the support of parents in many ways including providing snacks, volunteering at events and competitions, serving on the board, etc. However, we realize that some parents may not be able to commit their time to the team. In such instance, we ask those parents to provide additional monetary support to the team to offset the time provided by other parents.
Student dues do not include travel expenses. Dues cover access to materials, software, shop tools, team polos, insurance, and teacher stipends for one school year. Unlike other clubs and sports, Midtown Robotics receives limited funding from the school district. Dues are subsidized by the Midtown Robotics Booster Club through sponsors, grants, fundraisers, and donations. It costs approximately $1,200 per student to provide this program and its many resources.
No active team member will be denied participation due to an inability to pay dues. Boosters seek funding from sponsors and through fundraisers to provide scholarships for students in need. Please email boosters@g3robotics to request a scholarship application.