FIRST Competitions
FIRST Robotics Competition
The First Robotics Competition (FRC) is a competitive robotics event for high school students. Under strict rules and limited resources, teams are challenged to build and program robots to compete in challenges with new rules and features each year. G3 has started six FRC teams: 4 high school and 2 community teams.
FIRST Lego League
First Lego League (FLL) challenges kids in elementary and middle schools to think like real life scientists and engineers. They build, test, and program an autonomous robot to solve a set of missions in the robot game, as well as solve a real-world problem in a project relating to the robot game. G3 hosts an annual triple FLL tournament for teams around Atlanta and supports them during the build season.
Outreach Events
Quiet Rooms
In a partnership with GeorgiaFIRST, G3 is piloting quiet rooms at all 6 PCH events in the 2020 season. Quiet rooms are a space designated for those who need a break from the often overwhelming atmosphere of FRC compensations.