G3 Leadership 2024-25
Captain - Oversees all team operations, both engineering and non-engineering. Works closely with the Head Coach and Mentors to develop a vision for the team’s future along with team-wide goals for the current school year. Specific duties include:
Collaborate with Operations Leads to ensure that all projects have clearly defined objectives and timelines, and that they support the team’s vision and goals.
Monitor and promote positive team morale and works closely with the head coach to ensure that G3 is a safe, welcoming environment for its members.
Oversee external team communication and team image.
Provide mentorship and training to the Project Manager and Subteam Leads to ensure leadership continuity in the following year.
Engineering Operations
Engineering Lead - The engineering lead manages the mechanical, electrical, and programming teams, helping them work together in order to create a competition-level robot. They also manage engineering projects that work outside of FRC, but that help the team grow in knowledge and cooperation.
FRC Subteam Leads - Each subteam will have a junior or senior lead and one or more sophomore, junior, or senior project leads. The lead will oversee and coordinate all subteam activities while ensuring communication among subteams and projects. Project leads will be given clear, timely goals and objectives by the subteam lead. The lead will provide mentorship and training to project leads to ensure leadership continuity in the following year.
Design and Fabrication - Design and Fabrication is responsible for developing effective game strategies, creating and refining integrated, implementable robot designs, prototyping those designs, and fabricating and assembling durable, reliable mechanical subsystems as well as the final assembly of the finished robot. This team is also responsible for the maintenance of these systems throughout the season. This group must work closely with Programming & Electronics to develop game strategies, integrate sensor feedback solutions to mechanical problems, and plan for the layout and installation of electrical and pneumatic subsystems. This team is also responsible for training team members in the areas of
Tool use and shop safety
Precision metalworking and woodworking
Fast prototyping
Computer-aided Design & Manufacturing
Programming and Electronics - The Programming and Electronics team is responsible for developing and implementing software and sensor feedback solutions to game challenges. This team is responsible for the installation and maintenance of electronic and pneumatics subsystems. P/E must work very closely with Design & Fabrication to develop game strategies, integrate sensor feedback solutions to mechanical problems, and plan for the layout and installation of electrical and pneumatic subsystems. This team is also responsible for training team members in the areas of
Electrical wiring & wire management
Pneumatics plumbing & tube management
JAVA programming for teleoperation and autonomous operation
Sensor feedback & automation of mechanical systems
Vision processing
FRC Strategy - One or two members of the D/F or P/E subteams will be responsible for helping determine game strategy and guide design decisions. Other responsibilities include
Review the chosen game strategy (decided at the beginning of the season) and propose updates as necessary based upon rule updates and research.
Communicates with D/F and P/E subteams to ensure that all design decisions made accurately reflect our chosen strategy AND
Leads all competition strategy operations, including, but not limited to, match scouting, pit scouting, and alliance selection.
Business Operations
Business Lead - Oversees all business operations, including outreach, communications, awards, and finances. Works with rookie and veteran members, coaches, mentors, and parents to ensure everyone is aware of current business activities.
Outreach - Creates and organizes events in the local community to spread STEM and robotics-based interest to a variety of populations.
FIRST events
Special needs community
Elementary school science nights
Habitat for Humanity
Other outreach programs
Communications - Manages social media, newsletters, email, and sponsor relations for the team.
Operations - Manages awards, finances, and fundraising.