Paper Airplane SlingshoT
Materials needed:
a piece of paper
a paperclip
a piece of cardboard about 1 inch by 5 inches
a rubber band
1. Make your paper airplane! Be creative and design a paper airplane that you think will fly far!
2. Now, unfold your paper airplane a bit and poke a small hole in the center a few inches down from the tip.
3. Take your paperclip and bend it so the outside end is in an āSā shape.
4. Put the paperclip into the hole you poked in the airplane so the side you bent sticks out of the bottom.
5. Take your piece of cardboard and fold it in half. Tape the rubber band to the crease on the cardboard.
6. To fly, hook the rubber band onto the paper clip sticking out from the bottom of the paper airplane and release.
7. All done! Remember to submit videos or pictures of your final product by DMing them to the G3 Robotics Instagram account for a chance to be featured on our page!
If you have any more questions, visit this link!