Materials Needed: 

  • Wheels

  • Craft sticks

  • Craft cubes

  • 1/8" dowels

  • Straws

  • Paper

  • Hot glue with safety nozzle

  • Hot glue sticks

  • Tape


  1. Glue and tape the craft sticks together to make the frame for your car. (Tip: lightweight frames will make it easier to start moving quickly.) Place the skewers in the straw and the wheels on the ends of the skewers. 

  2. Add sail supports to the frame in order to hold the sail up. Use craft cubes to support the vertical sticks. 

  3. Design your sail. One way you could do this is by folding a piece of paper in half lengthwise, then folding a crease in the center to create a triangular shape. (Tip: the pointed sail will help reduce the drag and the large opening will easily catch the air.)

If you have any more questions, feel free to DM us.