Spoon Catapult


  • A spoon

  • 3 binder clips

  • 4 clothespins

  • 9 popsicle sticks

  • A few rubber bands

  • Some duct tape

  1.  Group the popsicle sticks into threes and tape them together.

  2.  Make a rectangle out of 2 of your groups of sticks using the 2 clothespins, and add some rubber bands to the corners to make it stronger.

  3. Attach the two other clothespins to the bottom of your rectangle as shown.

  4. Attach the other set of popsicle sticks to the other side of the clothespins you just attached, and tape a binder clip to the set of popsicle sticks on top of the rectangle.

  5. Tape a binder clip to the bottom of the spoon.

  6. Tape your final paperclip in the center of the handle of the spoon and attach your spoon to the bottom of the base.

  7. All done! Don't forget to DM us a picture or video of your creation at @g3robotics1648 for a chance to get featured on our page!